With that Expertise skill he is clearly one, of not the, strongest epic commanders in the game – without, he’s just average and you can use mnay other epic commanders instead. The bad news is, you really need to Expertise him as you want that rage reduction on his active skill that limits the rage that your enemies can generate. There are two ways how you can use Imhotep well in Rise of Kingdoms – either as a secondary commander for city defense or for open field combat.

This helps you fine-tune in what order you want to upgrade the skills of your commander as not all skills are equally good and worth maxing or worth maxing first (in general) – this helps to invest your sculptures more reasonably to get the biggest bang for your buck. When you star up Imhotep, you also unlock a new skill. 0:00 / 2:14 Rise of Kingdoms PC Version: Official Launch Rise of Kingdoms 199K subscribers Subscribe 2.1K 1M views 10 months ago Rise of Kingdoms PC version is LIVE now, go to Rise. Important! Don’t miss out on free Gems, Keys, Boosters and Speedups and frequently check my list of active gift codes for Rise of Kingdoms here. See how Imhotep is ranking in the different game modes of Rise of Kingdoms in my current tier list here.

Current Ranking – is Imhotep S-Tier, A-Tier, or D-Tier?!