(i) No question mark (?) is used in indirect speech. Ram asked (or enquired of) me if I could speak French. He asked (or enquired of) me if (or whether) I was ill. The conjunction “ that” is never used in such cases. In an interrogative sentence, the subject usually comes after the verb but on being a statement, the verb will follow the subject. and change the interrogative form into a statement.who, which, what, why, when, where, how, etc.) then add whether or if, if the question admits of one of the two answers yes or no but do not add whether or if, if the question is introduced by an interrogative pronoun, or adjective, or adverb (viz.

change the reporting verb into ask or enquire.Narration Change Rules for Interrogative Sentence Direct and Indirect Speech Interrogative Sentences Exercises with Answers.Worked Out Examples Direct to Indirect Reported Speech.Narration Change Rules for Interrogative Sentence.